The Session.

Eve Kerwin is a mother and grandmother who can often be found in a pair of jeans, eating hot fudge sundaes and spending time with friends and family. In this way, she is like many of us.

Eve knows firsthand the pain and suffering that so many people endure and is grateful to have been given a gift to help those who seek her out.

Eve Kerwin, White Buffalo Woman, the channeler and healer, guides people from all walks of life - pyschotherapists who believe their patients need a different level of support to executives trying to navigate intense business challengers. People come to her with questions about their career, finances, relationships, love life, health, family situations, and life in general. Via White Buffalo Woman, they are given deep insights and a clear direction.

Your session begins with a 20-30 minute Shamanic Healing, clearing all points of blockage and dis-harmony. This is a form of energetic “re-wiring”, something those in spiritual circles would call a clearing of the etheric bodies. Once the physical body is recalibrated, people are often astounded by the profound shifts.

After the physical rewiring is completed, another guide will come through with a personalized channeled message for you. The message can come through an Ascended Master, an Angel or Archangel, or your own Higher Self. It’s exactly what your soul is ready to have you hear to better understand your life path and journey. No two messages are the same because no two souls are alike. After the message is delivered, you are encouraged to ask questions if you are unclear or have further questions for Spirit.

An ideal way to access these spiritual healing powers is during one-on-one sessions with Eve, White Buffalo Woman, where the time is devoted exclusively to you.

Couple or group gatherings of a minimum of 15 people is another way to experience a more generalized reading.

Bring a smartphone to your session and record it. You’ll be glad you did. Many clients say that listening to the message following the session and even years later further validates the value of the powerful message they needed to hear.